HAF Programme

We are proud to be a provider for the HAF programme in Partnership with local county councils and the Department of Education.

This enables us to give places at no cost to children in receipt of free school meals at our Sports and Activity Camps during the Easter, summer and Christmas Holidays. Not only this but we also provide a free nutritional meal each day and in some cases can also provide transport.

For Cambridgeshire, you will need to provide a unique voucher code for each child, which you should have received from your school/county council, please note this will be a new code for each school holiday.

For Haverhill , Bookings open 20th November 2024 please click here and fill out the form, we will be in touch once your booking is approved by the council.

For Moulton, Bookings open 20th November 2024 please click here and fill out the form, we will be in touch once your booking is approved by the council.

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us
Not sure if you are eligible? Need help with accessing your children’s codes?  Please click the logo’s below for your chosen council and follow the instructions carefully- or alternatively email HAF@cambridgeshire.gov.uk or  HAFenquiries@suffolk.gov.uk please note Huntingdonshire/St Ives comes under Cambridge county Council.